5 Healthy Habits of Gastric Balloon Patients
Written By: Emma Squillace The gastric balloon is a device that we put in your stomach – without using surgery – for 6 months. This balloon (or multiple balloons), takes up room and helps you lose weight. People who have the balloon implanted say they feel full after eating small meals, and go for longer […]
Obesity & Motherhood
Written By: Emma Squillace Fighting obesity is difficult enough before children come into the picture, but can get even more challenging when they do. From excess weight causing potential fertility problems, to pregnancies getting in the way of future weight loss, the ties between motherhood and obesity are complex. Let’s take a look at some […]
The Pain of Varicose Veins
Written By: Emma Squillace Varicose veins may look unsightly and cause people to feel self-conscious about summer clothing, but they are more than a cosmetic issue. Varicose veins can be quite painful. There are some lucky people who do not feel physical symptoms of varicose veins, although often as time goes by, the symptoms […]
Weight Loss Surgery Linked to Lower Risks of Cancer
Bariatric surgery and weight loss can have a huge impact on your health and wellbeing. Leading an active lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight can help you look and feel better, but did you know it can also reduce your risk of cancer? A recent study at the University of Cincinnati shows that having weight […]
Steps to Feeling Good About Yourself After Bariatric Surgery
Written By: Emma Squillace Before people have bariatric surgery, many of them picture losing a lot of weight and being over the moon about how they look. Lots of bariatric surgery patients are not only happy with their results, but also believe their surgery was the start of their new life. However, the road to […]
Understanding Hunger
Written by: Emma Squillace The feeling of wanting food is a complex one. Sometimes we know we are physically hungry, but other times we just ‘feel like’ eating. The difference between actually being hungry, and wanting food, is an important one. This can get even more tricky after weight loss surgery or a gastric balloon, […]
Compression Stockings: Truth and fiction
Written By: Emma Squillace If someone suffers from varicose veins, one of the first recommendations they may hear from friends is to try compression stockings. But is this an old wives’ tale, or a legitimate medical option? To answer that question, let’s first look at what a varicose vein is, then we’ll discuss how compression […]
How to Support Someone After Weight Loss Surgery
Written By: Emma Squillace Maybe you haven’t had weight loss surgery, but a close friend or family member has. Or perhaps you’re preparing for a bariatric procedure, and are wondering how to ask your closest community to support you. Friends and family can be the strongest support system sometimes, but also a barrier to weight […]
It’s National DVT Month
Written By: Emma Squillace March is National DVT Awareness month. DVT – or Deep Vein Thrombosis – is a dangerous condition where a blood clot forms deep inside your body. Most commonly, a DVT is a blood clot in the leg, but there are also cases of a DVT in the arms or abdomen. Many […]
Obesity: Lesser-Known Complications
Written By: Emma Squillace When doctors talk about the medical dangers of obesity, they often cite type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease as top comorbidities. This is for good reason, since carrying excess weight is closely linked with these life-threatening conditions. In fact, heart disease is the number one cause of death in […]