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What Are Tonsils And Do We Need Them?

Written By: Emma Squillace Thirty to fifty years ago, having tonsils removed was a very common operation in children. Today, fewer people have their tonsils removed but we still see over half a million children having a tonsillectomy each year. Although this operation is not done as regularly in adults, it is still considered a […]

5 Post-Surgery FAQs

Written By: Emma Squillace When patients are thinking about bariatric surgery, they often have questions about their post-surgery time. Today we’re going to cover 5 of the frequently asked questions we get about life after bariatric surgery. From drinking alcohol to getting pregnant, we’ve got the answers to your questions. Will I have extra skin […]

10 Reasons You May Have Vein Problems

Varicose veins are a common issue for many, affecting millions of adults worldwide. These visible veins not only impact appearance but can also lead to discomfort and health concerns. Understanding the reasons for varicose veins is important for prevention and treatment. This blog post will explore 10 key factors that contribute to vein problems like […]

Best Diet For Diabetics

Written By: Emma Squillace If you’ve been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, one of the most important things you can do is eat in a way that will support your health. Type 2 Diabetes is a problem with insulin. If your body can’t keep your blood sugar levels normal, glucose builds up in your blood. […]

How Vein Treatment Works


Written By: Emma Squillace If you have varicose or spider veins on your legs, you are not alone. It’s estimated that just over half of the female population, and just under half the male population, will have vein problems at some point.  Females tend to get varicose veins more than males, partly because they can […]

Losing Weight with the Gastric Bypass

Written By: Emma Squillace Have you heard of a procedure called the gastric bypass? It was one of the first and most successful bariatric surgeries, and is even called the “gold standard” of obesity treatment by many. Although in the last few years the gastric sleeve has become very popular, the gastric bypass is still […]

Getting the Facts about Weight Loss Surgery

Written By: Emma Squillace Do you know anyone who’s had weight loss surgery? Maybe you’ve seen a celebrity who has lost a bunch of weight, and attributed to an operation. Or maybe you’ve started to research weight loss treatments for yourself or a family member. If so, you likely know that there’s a lot of […]

Spider Veins VS Varicose Veins

Written By: Emma Squillace Do you have visible veins, especially on your legs? If so, you’re probably like millions of adults who suffer from either varicose veins or spider veins. Both types of veins cause aggravation for many people who are self-conscious about wearing summer clothes, or suffer side-effects of these veins like itching, redness, […]

Quick And Healthy Lunches

Quick And Healthy Lunches

Written By: Emma Squillace Even if you have a healthy breakfast, and a good dinner, what happens at lunch time could sabotage your weight loss efforts. Many of us are away from the home for lunch, and find ourselves at the mercy of whatever food is close by. This often leads to a fast food […]

Best Workouts For Busy Dads

Written By: Emma Squillace Congratulations, you’re a dad! And while being a dad comes with some of the most joyful moments you can imagine, it also has drawbacks. The days of easily finding an hour to go to the gym, or 3 hours to play a round of golf, are likely few and far between. […]

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