Spring Is Around The Corner – Consider These Weight Loss Options
Written By: Emma Squillace It may feel like we’ve been stuck in winter for a while, but we’ve finally made it to March, which means Spring is just weeks away. If you’re hoping to start losing a significant amount of weight before the summer hits, this is a good time to check out your options. […]
Early Spring Produce Selections
Written By: Emma Squillace A danger of eating healthy can be if you start to feel bored with what seems like limited food choices. However, if you find ways to switch up your healthy meals, you can have a lifetime of good choices with plenty of variety. A great way to find variety is to […]
Health Concerns Associated With Weight Gain
Written By: Emma Squillace Some people think of being overweight or obese as a cosmetic problem. While many of us do want to lose weight so we feel better about our appearance, there are also serious health considerations to carrying extra weight vs being in a “normal” weight range (defined medically as a BMI between […]
Plastic Surgery After Weightloss

Written By: Emma Squillace Many patients lose a substantial amount of weight when they have a surgical procedure like the gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, or Lap Band – or a non-surgical procedure like the weight loss balloons we offer. Of course this weight loss, which can be 30, 50, 100 pounds or more, is cause […]
Gastric Balloon Options
Written By: Emma Squillace There used to be fairly limited successful weight loss treatment options for people wanting to lose more than 30 – 50 pounds. The good news is that recently there have been exciting innovations in our industry, and doctors like those at West Medical are now able to offer a wide range […]
Valentine’s Day Dinner – Healthy Choices
Written By: Emma Squillace It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and if you’re watching your weight, you likely have already planned to avoid the box of chocolate – but there are other ways calories can sneak up on you on this holiday. Whether you have a romantic date night planned, or are fitting in a fun dinner […]
All About Varicose Veins
Written By: Emma Squillace If you have visible veins in your legs, these may be varicose veins. This is one of the most common complaints of people who come to see the vein specialists in our California offices. Today we’ve answered some of the most common questions we get about varicose veins: What are varicose […]
Healthy Super Bowl Snacks
Written By: Emma Squillace It’s almost Super Bowl Sunday, which is known as the second biggest eating day of the year! After thanksgiving, Super Bowl Sunday has Americans consuming more calories, on average, than any other day. Whether your favorite team is a contender, or you’re just watching for the commercials, it can be a […]
Losing Weight With The Sleeve
Written By: Emma Squillace If you’re interested in losing weight with bariatric surgery, you’ve likely heard of a procedure called “the sleeve”. It’s currently the most popular bariatric surgery in the US. You also may have heard of the vertical sleeve gastrectomy or gastric sleeve. Those names refer to the same operation. Several public figures […]
Health Benefits Of Exercising
Written By: Emma Squillace Of course you know that exercise is a good way to burn calories – but you also may have heard that there’s almost no way for exercise to make you lose weight without the necessary diet changes. What you consume in terms of calories and nutrition will always be more important […]