Written By: Emma Squillace
It may feel like we’ve been stuck in winter for a while, but we’ve finally made it to March, which means Spring is just weeks away. If you’re hoping to start losing a significant amount of weight before the summer hits, this is a good time to check out your options. As you know, weight loss is never overnight and there is no such thing as a quick fix. However, with surgical and non-surgical options, many people lose a substantial amount of weight and keep that weight off.
Orbera or ReShape Balloon
The weight loss that often comes from these balloon procedures tends to be greatest right away. The balloon is placed in your stomach while you’re lightly sedated, and then filled with saline. This means a lot of the room in your stomach is taken up instantly, and patients find they’re eating much smaller meals, and feeling full for longer. The ReShape or Orbera balloon, combined with our coaching, helps patients kick-start their weight loss. Since each balloon remains in the stomach for 6 months, a balloon placed in March would be taken out in early fall so you’d be losing weight with the balloon all summer, and then working to maintain that weight loss (or even lose more) after the balloon is removed.
Another balloon option is called Obalon. This is a system made up of up to three balloons which are swallowed. You’re given the first Obalon balloon to swallow at your appointment, and 2 weeks later return for another. A third balloon can be given 4 weeks after your first. Each Obalon balloon is filled with a safe gas, and they tend to feel lighter in the stomach than our balloons that are filled with saline. Since the balloons are introduced one at a time, the stomach also has more of a chance to adjust to the change. This can be a benefit to patients who may feel less nausea with the Obalon balloon system as compared to other balloons. It may also mean you’ll lose weight before the summer, but generally at a somewhat slower rate than with other balloons, because the adjustment period is more gradual. All of our balloons, including the Obalon system, are removed after 6 months which gives you time to be well into your weight loss for the summer. Learn more about Obalon
Gastric sleeve or gastric bypass
The sleeve and the bypass are two types of bariatric surgery, both of which tend to help patients lose substantial amounts of weight. These procedures include 1 – 3 days of stay in the hospital, but are usually done laparoscopically, which means we use several very small incisions, generally resulting in less pain and quicker recovery. Patients who have the sleeve or the bypass usually start seeing notable weight loss right away. Interestingly, the bypass is so effective for patients with type 2 diabetes, that some of them are off their medications before they even leave the hospital. If you’re interested in a surgical procedure that is covered by insurance, talk to us as soon as possible. Most insurance companies have steps you need to take before having your surgery, and this can take months of time. However, once you’re approved for your procedure, and have your surgery, you’ll likely begin seeing weight loss from day 1.
Lap Band
The Lap Band is another surgical procedure we offer for weight loss. It is the least invasive of the surgical choices because it involves no cutting, no stapling, and no rerouting of the intestines. Weight loss with the Lap Band is more gradual than weight loss with the sleeve or bypass. One aspect of the Lap Band that our patients like is its ability to be adjusted. We can add more fluid to the band if you feel your hunger is not controlled well enough, or can even remove fluid if you feel the band is too tight. Learn more about the Lap Band.
If you want to have lost weight by the summer, now is the time to start. Patients who pay for a procedure themselves can often get scheduled quickly and be on their way to weight loss before summer. Patients who are using insurance to cover a surgical procedure may have a longer time before their surgery because of the insurance requirements. Still – since people generally start losing weight from the day of their procedure, there’s still time to be feeling better, lighter, and higher energy before the sun is bright and the shorts/swimsuits are out. Are you interested in being leaner and healthier for the summer? Please call our team at (855) 690-0565 and we can explain your options, as well as the timelines for each choice.