How to Support Someone After Weight Loss Surgery
Written By: Emma Squillace Maybe you haven’t had weight loss surgery, but a close friend or family member has. Or perhaps you’re preparing for a bariatric procedure, and are wondering how to ask your closest community to support you. Friends and family can be the strongest support system sometimes, but also a barrier to weight […]
It’s National DVT Month
Written By: Emma Squillace March is National DVT Awareness month. DVT – or Deep Vein Thrombosis – is a dangerous condition where a blood clot forms deep inside your body. Most commonly, a DVT is a blood clot in the leg, but there are also cases of a DVT in the arms or abdomen. Many […]
Obesity: Lesser-Known Complications
Written By: Emma Squillace When doctors talk about the medical dangers of obesity, they often cite type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease as top comorbidities. This is for good reason, since carrying excess weight is closely linked with these life-threatening conditions. In fact, heart disease is the number one cause of death in […]
Why Is Obesity a Concern?
Written By: Emma Squillace We hear from studies that obesity is an ‘epidemic’ with rising rates every year. We also hear from healthcare providers, the media, and many other sources, that people who are obese should make weight loss a priority. But why exactly is obesity such a big deal? First, we should set aside […]
Varicose Veins: Myths
Written By: Emma Squillace This is the time of year when we can worry a little less about the appearance of visible veins in our legs, because it’s cool enough for pants. However, if you have varicose veins, chances are it’s not just the appearance of the veins that is an issue. Many people with […]
4 Healthy Habits Before & After Weight Loss Surgery
Written By: Emma Squillace When you have bariatric surgery, your life changes. Some changes are exciting like seeing the weight drop off, feeling more energy, and hearing ‘you look great’. And some changes are hard work. You’ll have to eat differently, maybe cook more than you used to, plan food ahead of time, and figure […]
Should I Get a Balloon Or Surgery?
Written By: Emma Squillace It doesn’t take more than a few weeks past New Year’s for many people to become disheartened at their weight loss resolution efforts. If you’ve tried, and feel like you’ve failed, to lose weight through dieting, do not let this make you feel that there’s no hope. Losing weight – as […]
Why Is a Weight Loss Resolution So Hard to Keep?
On January 1st, thousands and thousands of people made the resolution to lose weight. And though we’re not even half way through the month, there are already people who find they’re disappointed in their progress. It won’t be long before statistics say that many of the people who resolved to lose weight, will have let […]
Important Varicose & Spider Vein Vocabulary
Written By: Emma Squillace If you’re one of the millions of people who has spider veins or varicose veins, you’ve likely wondered about your condition. What causes these veins? Are they dangerous? What treatment options are there? Today we’ll introduce you to medical terms you’ll likely see as you research your varicose vein or spider […]
New Year’s Resolutions after Bariatric Surgery
Written By: Emma Squillace New Year’s is known for being the time that so many people make resolutions – and often those commitments are to lose weight. Of course any time someone makes a choice to improve their health, it’s a good step. However, you likely know the reality is that the vast majority of people […]