Top 5 Foods To Help Blast Varicose Veins
Written By: Christine Williamson Nutrition plays a key role in the health and beauty of your legs. If you suffer from Varicose Veins (enlarged veins on the surface of the skin) you are not alone. Varicose Veins affect up to 60% of people, most of which are women. Thankfully, a healthy diet rich in fruits and […]
Local woman tries FDA approved weight loss procedure
From A Bakersfield woman will be one of the first people in the country to undergo a new weight loss procedure that’s just been approved by the FDA. We met with a Bakersfield woman who says she’s exhausted by the constant ups and downs that come with trying out new fad diets and exercise […]
#WorkoutWednesday: The Best Tips to Stick to Your Workout Routine
Regular exercise is simply crucial. And things may be going well and can come easy when you’re having great workout. However, we all run into some hiccups in motivation every now and then when it comes to working out. How do you keep your motivation at optimum levels? The following are a few tips to […]
The Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water
With today being World Water Day, it’s only appropriate to highlight the tremendous health benefits in drinking more water! As with most things, the amount of water for each person should drink a day varies between each individual. Some suggest 8 (8 oz) glasses a day while others suggest taking your body weight (in pounds), […]
Understanding the Five Components of Stress

Unpacking the Components of Stress Stress is a part of daily life here in Los Angeles, touching everyone in different ways. Understanding the components of stress can empower you to manage it more effectively. At West Medical, we believe that knowledge is a key step toward better health and well-being. Stress isn’t just an emotion; […]
Celebrate National Snack Day With These Delicious Healthy Snacks
Today, March 4th, is National Snack Day. Now who doesn’t enjoy a delicious snack during the day? The challenging part is choosing snacks that are healthy and aren’t of the junk food variety. To help promote a healthy lifestyle, we’ve decided to help you out with some great suggestions for yummy and healthy snacks! These […]
#WorkoutWednesday: The Top 10 Post-Workout Foods
So you’ve just completed a strenuous, yet rewarding, workout. More than likely, there’s two things you’re feeling – pride from the accomplishment and soreness from the workout itself. Many people overlook the crucial part proper recovery plays in fitness. Proper muscle recovery is just as important in its growth as the actual act of working […]
#WorkoutWednesday: The Importance of Fitness Wearables
Fitness wearables are as ubiquitous in workouts now as a trusty pair of earbuds, and their reach of influence is reaching all segments of the fitness world. Powered by smart technology such as accelerometers, fitness wearables now have abilities to detect motion, speed and direction, allowing consumers to track such statistics to aid in their […]
The Everyday Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight
According to health and nutrition experts, there are a few specific everyday foods that will aid you in losing weight. These everyday ingredients from your kitchen or pantry are noted to help in weight management, being a helpful aid in your weight loss goals. Check out the following and see if you have any on […]
#WorkoutWednesday: Enhance Your Workout With These Effective Playlist Tips
When it comes to music accompanying your workout, the right playlist is crucial to making it enjoyable and fun. With these tips, you’ll do just that with your fitness routine, helping you to be even more motivated to sweat through a great session. So fire up your favorite tunes and take note to the following […]